2,457 research outputs found

    Trajectoires, filiĂšres, mythes : les parcours migratoires des Italiens du canton de Vaud (Suisse)

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    Abstract. Les filtres de l'officialité de la migration, dans le pays d'origine comme dans celui d'aecueil. ne permettent pas de saisir et de comprendre la grande épaisseur de contenus cachés dans les parcours migratoires. Dans la présente contribution nous nous proposons d'analyser, à l'aide d'histoires de vie d'immigrés italiens résidant dans le canton de Vaud, la façon dont ces immigrés permettent à leur imaginaire de ressurgir ainsi que de révéler les références aux mythes de la « Terre- Mére», du voyage, de la recherche de la «Terre Promise », du retour, rattachés aux trajectoires migratoires qui nourrissent leur quotidien et leurs histoires

    Galactic Cepheids with Spitzer: I. Leavitt Law and Colors

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    Classical Cepheid variable stars have been important indicators of extragalactic distance and Galactic evolution for over a century. The Spitzer Space Telescope has opened the possibility of extending the study of Cepheids into the mid- and far-infrared, where interstellar extinction is reduced. We have obtained photometry from images of a sample of Galactic Cepheids with the IRAC and MIPS instruments on Spitzer. Here we present the first mid-infrared period-luminosity relations for Classical Cepheids in the Galaxy, and the first ever Cepheid period-luminosity relations at 24 and 70 um. We compare these relations with theoretical predictions, and with period-luminosity relations obtained in recent studies of the Large Magellanic Cloud. We find a significant period-color relation for the [3.6]-[8.0] IRAC color. Other mid-infrared colors for both Cepheids and non-variable supergiants are strongly affected by variable molecular spectral features, in particular deep CO absorption bands. We do not find strong evidence for mid-infrared excess caused by warm (~500 K) circumstellar dust. We discuss the possibility that recent detections with near-infrared interferometers of circumstellar shells around delta Cep, l Car, Polaris, Y Oph and RS Pup may be a signature of shocked gas emission in a dust-poor wind associated to pulsation-driven mass loss.Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal on Nov 11, 200

    Appunti per la ‘riscoperta’ di CIL, IX 5311

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    Storia, edizione e proposta di ricostruzione dell’epigrafe CIL, IX 5311 da Cupra Maritima risalente alla metà del I sec. a.C.; il documento commemora la costruzione (aedificandam) di un edificio pubblico.History, edition and hypothetical reconstruction of the inscription CIL, IX 5311 from Cupra Maritima dated to the middle of the first century B.C.; the document commemorates the construction (aedificandam) of a public building

    Calibrating the Cepheid Period-Luminosity relation with the VLTI

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    The VLTI is the ideal instrument for measuring the distances of nearby Cepheids with the Baade-Wesselink method, allowing an accurate recalibration of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity relation. The high accuracy required by such measurement, however, can only be reached taking into account the effects of limb darkening, and its dependence on the Cepheid pulsations. We present here our new method to compute phase- and wavelength-dependent limb darkening profiles, based on hydrodynamic simulation of Classical Cepheid atmospheres.Comment: 3 pages, 2 postscript figures, uses eas.cls LaTeX class file, to appear in the proc. Eurowinter School "Observing with the VLTI", Feb 3-8 2002, Les Houches (France

    Impacting of droplets on moving surface and inclined surfaces

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    Drop impact onto inclined and moving surfaces are seen in various applications, for example, inkjet printing, spray coating, or in agriculture; droplets impact on either the surface that is moving, inclined, or a combination of both. Studies in the literature have examined the phenomenon of drop impact in isolation, either for a moving surface, or an inclined surface. Therefore, we conducted a comparative study for drop impact onto moving and inclined surfaces to see if they can be considered as equivalent systems. We used high speed imaging and examined the spreading and splashing of droplet impact onto both inclined and moving surfaces, having the same normal and tangential (in-plane) velocities. Various liquids with viscosities and surface tensions in the range of 1-5 cSt 17.4-72.8 mNm, respectively, were used. We demonstrated that both systems are equivalent to one another, considering either the initial spreading behavior of droplets, or splashing. Different types of splashing seen on inclined and moving surfaces are similar regardless of system. Finally, a new type of splashing named "split splashing"was also reported. This type of splashing is seen only when the normal velocity relative to tangential velocity is very low
